lucy. best learning movie



The task was meant to be straightforward. All Lucy had to do was hand Mr. Jang a strange briefcase. But right once, Lucy is drawn into a terrifying deal where she is kidnapped and used as a drug mule for a brand-new, potent synthetic substance. When the bag Lucy is carrying inside of her stomach leaks, her body experiences incredible changes that start to unleash the full capacity of her mind. With her newly acquired abilities, Lucy transforms into a ruthless fighter determined to exact revenge on her captives. Professor Norman, the world's foremost expert on the human mind, and Captain Pierre Del Rio of the French police provide her with important assistance.

best scene of the movie.

The scene in the film where Lucy travels hundreds of years back to the start of human evolution is the best one.

 morale of the story

Man is the epitome of kindness. Life occasionally pits him against the powers of evil, but when given the opportunity, he chooses the righteous road.

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