Why are vampires in movies almost always or always very wealthy?

There is no hope for you if you have been alive and in your prime for more than 200 years and are still in poverty. Go take a holy water bath.

Over the course of two centuries, there have been an absurd number of opportunities to become wealthy. Several possibilities include:

Simply working a lengthy string of regular jobs, leaving your inheritance to your "long lost son," and fleeing town whenever people start to discover your lack of aging—just like the vampires in Twilight. Anyone can become wealthy by multiplying their ordinary salary by 7 generations. Investing. This becomes obvious when seen over an extended period of time. In 1950, a $100 investment in the S&P 500 would be worth $260,000 today. Simply create a fictitious business to handle your investments, and perhaps occasionally manipulate stock prices by feasting on the CEOs of rival businesses. simply stealing things. Remember that you are a vampire. Depending on the specific lore, this means that you are probably very strong, have superhuman strength, have superhuman speed, can change into bats, wolves, or mist, can fly, can command wild animals or minions to do your bidding, and so on. The police would have no leads if a vampire were to transform into mist, stroll into the Louvre, become invisible, and steal the Mona Lisa off the wall. In fact, you would steal less visible objects to avoid exposure, but the idea is the same: you could go down in history as the greatest cat (or bat) burglar. misusing a familiar Vampires frequently have "familiars," or humans, who carry out their orders in return for the hope of one day becoming vampires. Have a number of them go work 12-hour hours at McDonald's in support of you rather than having them pick up your dry cleaning and dust your coffin.

In essence, vampires are wealthy because it would take incredible stupidity for them to not become wealthy. Even those who don't care much about money are typically wealthy by comparison to everyone else.

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