Charlie Chaplin

 Charlie Chaplin lived to be 88 years old.

He left us 4 of his messages:

(1) Nothing is everlasting on this international, now no longer even our problems.

(2) I love on foot withinside the rain due to the fact nobody can see my tears.

(3) The maximum wasted day in lifestyles is the day we do now no longer laugh.

(4) The six first-class docs withinside the international are... :

1. Sun,

2. Rest ,

3. Exercise,

4. Modesty ,

5. Self respect

6. Good friends.

Stick with these items in all degrees of your existence and revel in healthful living...

When you notice the moon, you spot the splendor of God..

If you spot the solar you spot the energy of God..

If you examine your self withinside the mirror, you notice God's quality creation. So trust that.

We are all simply travelers here, God is our journey agent who has already decided our routes, bookings and destinations.. agree with him and revel in lifestyles.

Life is only a journey! Therefore stay nowadays to the fullest!

Tomorrow can also additionally in no way be no more..

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