who is most influential person nowadays in Hollywood?

 James Cameron is far superior to anyone in second place. It appears that he is the only one who will receive complete support for any movie he wants to make, regardless of budget. To make the Avatar sequels, his production company, Lightstorm, has a no money down, first dollar gross deal. When it came time to negotiate the sequels, Fox essentially had to give him a blank check, and Rupert Murdoch is rumoured to have personally approved it. The two most successful movies of all time have Cameron's name attached as producer, director, and writer. That leverage is absurd. Basically, if Joss Whedon demands any more creative authority over the story than what Disney/Marvel deems reasonable, he will be fired.Universal says it's alright if Spielberg declines to direct Jurassic Park without him. Since Lucas sold Star Wars, essentially no one has the same level of creative autonomy as Cameron. Because he has almost total control over the projects he works on, Cameron is strong. Whatever your opinion of his films, you must admit that his negotiating talents are impressive.

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