Monday 22 May 2023

James Garner: A Pioneer in the Fight for Marijuana Legalization

James Garner's Views on Marijuana Ahead of Their Time

James Garner, the actor famous for his role as Jim Rockford in the 1970s hit show "The Rockford Files," was a longtime marijuana smoker. He started smoking in his late teens and continued to do so for 50 years. In his memoir, "The Garner Files," he wrote that he drank to get drunk but ultimately didn't like the effect, whereas marijuana had the opposite effect from alcohol: it made him more tolerant and forgiving. He also stated that after decades of personal research and observation, he concluded that marijuana should be legal and alcohol should be illegal. 

Garner's views on marijuana were not widely shared at the time he wrote his memoir. In the 1970s, marijuana was still illegal in most of the United States, and its use was seen as a sign of drug abuse. However, Garner's views have become more mainstream in recent years, as more and more people have come to see the benefits of marijuana. 

In 2012, Colorado and Washington became the first states to legalize recreational marijuana. Since then, several other states have followed suit, and more are expected to do so in the coming years. The legalization of marijuana has led to a number of benefits, including increased tax revenue, reduced crime rates, and improved public health. 

James Garner was a pioneer in the fight for marijuana legalization. His views on marijuana were ahead of their time, but they are now being vindicated by the facts. Marijuana is a safe and effective drug that has the potential to improve the lives of millions of people. It is time to end the prohibition of marijuana and allow people to use it for its many benefits.

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