Tuesday 11 October 2022

Which well-known person in Hollywood is most likely a staunch conservative but is too afraid to come out and say it?

There is a rumour Mr. The Rock Dwayne Johnson has a noticeable rightward slant, according to a few people I've spoken to who know him a bit better. Every statement The Rock has ever made is meticulously weighed, measured, and calculated not to offend a single soul. He is intensely focused on his "brand," has an excellent PR team, and will never say a word about it in public.

extreme conservatism Not quite. nonetheless, conservative. Schwarzenegger has a tendency to lean right but also has liberal viewpoints. The Rock kind of wants to leave all possibilities open in case he ever decides to run for office, and he has previously expressed a desire to do so. He was politically ambidextrous and extremely bipartisan, and hardly anything he ever said or did will offend you or make you uncomfortable. Almost brilliant

There are a few outspoken conservatives among the largely liberal cast of Hollywood darlings. There are many liberals who are outspoken. Additionally, there are covert conservatives... and The Rock is one, in my opinion.

  There are a few outspoken conservatives among the largely liberal cast of Hollywood darlings. There are many liberals who are outspoken. Additionally, there are covert conservatives... and The Rock is one, in my opinion.

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