Tuesday 4 October 2022

German tribes: rebels or defenders of freedom?

"battle of teutoburg Forest"

 a historical movie based of  Germanic tribes

victory over great Roman empire.

Roman heritage

Germanic hero Arminius and his participation in the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest

The Teutoburg Forest battle took place in the autumn of 9 CE, pitting the Roman Empire against Germanic rebels. A column of three Roman legions led by Publius Quinctilius Varus was the target of several ambushes planned by the Germanic chieftain Arminius. According to Roman records, Arminius annihilated all three legions over the course of four days, preventing Rome from enslaving Germania east of the Rhine.

Western reasoning is also illogical. They label people who stand up for their freedom as fanatics, villains, etc. The German tribes that overcame the Roman Empire at the time and won their freedom and land will be referred to as the Mujahideen.

watch the movie and decided yourself

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