Wednesday 28 September 2022

martyr of kufa


martyr of kufa

Iranian movie.based on imam Ali 's life

Shaheed Kufa is a film made on the last ten years of Imam Ali (peace be upon him). It is made by taking the references  from 100 authentic books, that is, on which all sects of Islam agree. The film shows how simple the life of Imam Ali was. And how strict was Ali (peace be upon him) in the matter of justice. The film also shows that because of Ali's justice and charity, how the imperialist mind became hostile to Ali at that time and conspiracies started against Ali and Ali was embroiled in wars and the true Islam which is the companion of the poor and deprived. The colonialists of that time raised obstacles in implementing it. Instead of benefiting from the knowledge and wisdom of Imam Ali, they martyred him for their ignorance, malice, and worldly luxury. you should must watch  to know the truth and real Islam.

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